Salon Policies

Refund Policy

There are NO REFUNDS on any hair coloring, CUTTING, SPA Services or extension services. Hair services may be adjusted within 7 business days of original service appt by the same service provider. All product sales have Seven days to be returned or exchanged.

 Please be aware that if you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, we may not be able to provide the service for which you have been scheduled. Thank you for understanding our policy. It is in place to respect the time of the stylists as well as other clients waiting for appointments.

Out of courtesy for your stylist, we kindly ask that you give 48 hours' notice for any cancellations or to reschedule. In the case that more than 48 hours' notice is not given for a cancellation or reschedule multiple times with the same client+stylist, stylists have the right to no longer accept reservations from client on their book. Please understand our boundaries to respect our stylists time.

Color Correction Form

Upon professional judgement- there may be times a new or existing client is asked to sign a client service waiver form. This is to acknowledge the process ahead of you may be more in depth than a simple color or haircut service to correct existing issues. When stylist sees fit to offer a client waiver form, the stylist will also have a very in depth consultation to help client understand the road of correction ahead of client to achieve desired goal hair. Our top priority is the integrity of our clients hair.

 If there are any issues or concerns please reach out to